Anbennar Wiki

The Wise Council was an informal name that referred to Garion the Wise and his first apprentices, who would later become the founders of the eight schools of magic (except necromancy).


Many members of the Wise Council died during the Battle of Trialmount.
Name Description Race School Founded Birth Death
Garion the Wise The most powerful mage of the Remnant Fleet and the leader of the Wise Council. Cured the White Pestilence. Moon Elf Transmutation
Masilda the Diviner Garion's lover and apprentice. Assisted Garion in curing the White Pestilence. Human (Cardesti) Divination
Korvin Lorentis Bastard son of Rewan III with an elven woman. Died at Trialmount. Half-elven Evocation
Melba the Mirror Twin of Melbo. Assisted Garion in curing the White Pestilence. Gnomish Illusion
Melbo (Melbin?) the Mirror Twin of Melba. Died at Trialmount. Gnomish Illusion
Serondal Magehand (Mageshield?) Legendary general. Died at Trialmount. Moon Elf Abjuration
Alaria the Lifehand Led innovation in healing magic, but research stopped with her death. Died at Trialmount. Moon Elf Conjuration
Alarian Singkeep Legendary elven bard and founder of Seinathíl Moon Elf Enchantment
