Anbennarzh Wiki

Hobgoblin Ideas
Infantry Combat Ability +15.0%
Unjustified Demands -20.0%
Yearly Army Tradition +1.00
Forging an Empire
Core Creation Cost -15.0%
Modern Drill Techniques
Discipline +5.0%
Army Drill Gain Modifier +100.0%
Warforged Culture
Monthly War Exhaustion -0.02
Honourable Service
Foreign Spy Detection +25.0%
Expanded Legions
Land Force Limit Modifier +25.0%
Military Education
Leader(s) without Upkeep +1
General Cost -20.0%
Direct Control
Monthly Autonomy Change -0.05

The Command was a country with its core in Shamakhad. At its height, it ruled over much of Rahen.



Originating from the foothills of the Jade Mines, The Command established itself as a major power in northern Rahen by attacking and destroying many of the kingdoms present in the region during the mid-15th century. Before this time, the hobgoblins of The Command took control of Grônstunad, allegedly making it into their biggest stronghold. Although the endeavors of The Command during the mid-1400s up to the 1507 invasion is largely unknown, due to the savagery and barbaric nature of The Command, what is known is that they previously bordered the Harimraj and the monk nation of Xianjie.

1507 Invasion[]

The Wars of the Vizierate provided an opportunity.

Great Dhujat War[]

In 1572, the Command took advantage of the chaos in the south to invade Dhujat, beginning the Great Dhujat War. They eventually lost.

Plans for Future Expansion[]

The Command planned to expand further. This, however, would necessitate the creation of at least three additional vassal states, which were provided for in plans drafted by the Wolf Command.

  • Dragon Command:
  • Elephant Command:
  • Tiger Command:


The Command was a stratocracy, in which political power devolved to those who could demonstrate great military ability and skilled generalship. Politics within the Command were typically dominated by three factions, namely the Wolf Command, the Boar Command, and the Lion Command, which were also represented on the Command's flag. Each faction handled a different facet of military operations, with the Wolf Command handling logistics, planning and strategy, the Boar Command handling the rank-and-file and vanguard, and the Lion Command handling generalship, rhetoric and leadership.


The military of the Command was one of the most feared forces in Haless due to their emphasis on drill.


In contrast to the shamanism of the goblin cults, the hobgoblins embraced a creed known as the Godlost.


The wars of the Command led to the existence of a significant minority of hobgoblins and orcs in Rahen.

For Rephrasing (I guess)[]

At the 1444 start date, it has 2 goblin vassals, Blackstep and Stolen Gem, in addition to 2 orcish vassals, Thunderfist and Bloodsong.
