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布勒瓦尔太阳崇拜(Bulwari Sun Cult) 是一系列以 布勒瓦尔为中心的太阳神信仰,其专注于善恶二元论的世界观,并相信苏雷尔会拯救那些被选中的信徒。它主要存在三种不同的教派: 旧日崇拜 (精灵到来之前的信仰),新日崇拜 (将精灵视为苏雷尔神选者) 和贾德教 (认为任何人都可以成为苏雷尔神选).



太阳崇拜的最古老记录提到了一场善恶之间的终极战争。记录表明,祂们的万神殿中原本存在大量神明,但祂们中绝大多数已经死于这场决战,甚至一些神堕落了,祂们的名字是 Raša, Jiqaat 和 Ukedu,祂们堕入黑暗并为之奴役。如今,祂们被称为饥饿、疾病和愤怒的恶魔,父母和牧师用祂们来恐吓孩子和虔诚的人。无数神灵在和那些或有名或无名的邪恶作斗争,祂们一个个被杀死,直到最后的神苏雷尔,他为了保护世界不受黑暗的侵袭,牺牲自我,最终变成了天空上灿烂的太阳。在那遥远的天空,太阳持续地与黑暗做着斗争,直到他能恢复自己的神圣形态,一劳永逸的击败邪恶。


黑暗的本质是什么尚且含糊不清,有时候被称作“Malevolent Dark”,它无疑等同于这个世界的邪恶。邪恶有外在和内在之分。外在的邪恶,如饥饿和疾病,是我们凡人无法控制的,因此,歉收或瘟疫是黑暗的胜利。一些牧师声称,这些事件是信徒内部的黑暗和对苏雷尔的斗争缺乏承诺的结果,而某些神学家,如安扎巴德的塞里姆,则认为这样的事件表明了世界的总体状况和苏雷尔斗争的暂时失误。内在的罪恶是心灵和思想的疾病。太阳崇拜警告愤怒、嫉妒和自私是最突出的恶魔。


太阳崇拜的种族态度与某些群体对待布勒瓦尔神庙和人民的方式密切相关。在这些群体中, 豺狼人被旧日崇拜和新日崇拜视为黑暗的代理人。他们长达几个世纪对布勒瓦尔的占领以及残暴行径清楚地划定了他们在斗争中的地位:Malevolent Dark的先锋。鹰身女妖长期以来一直令人讨厌,尽管它们被视为邪恶黑暗的力量,但这似乎主要是它们不忠的结果。由于两个种族之间发生了积极和消极的互动,布勒瓦尔不同地区的神庙在斗争中的角色和救赎的机会上存在分歧。


  1. 众神已死,惟崇苏雷尔
  2. 惩除心中黑暗
  3. 维护孩子之光
  4. 无谎,无暗,无谬
  5. 不要放弃黑暗,太阳将再次升起
  6. 让快乐之光闪耀





5. 黑暗所能给予的最大打击是放弃希望,即投降。苏雷尔没有投降,他希望你像他一样战斗。


新日崇拜 信条[]

  1. 追随天选者,他们是苏雷尔在哈兰的代理人。




  1. Shelter the remaining Light
  2. Prepare the return of Surakel

1. “The Light has diminished greatly since ancient times. The Shadow of the Gnolls nearly extinguished the remaining rays of the sun, with many letting the darkness into their hearts. The coming of the Sun Elves initially heralded an age of rekindling and virtue, but they showed their true colours. These deceivers are not chosen by Surakel, but have usurped his holy temples and defiled his creed. We must retain and shelter the true remaining Light, that one day it might shine bright again.” -Aqeela szel-Akal-Uak, Priestess of Surakel in Zanlib, in Radient Bulwar, 1561 AA

2. “One day Surakel will return to save us from the darkness. We must be ready for that day. Stay strong in arm and save our coin, we will need all the advantages that we can get, for the darkness has infiltrated everywhere.” -Aqeela szel-Akal-Uak, Priestess of Surakel in Zanlib, in Radient Bulwar, 1561 AA



  1. 灼烁使命
  2. 争战哈兰
  3. 天下一家

1. Jaddar demanded of all his faithful to take a step in the religious process and involve themselves in the affairs of the Light. Followers of the Jadd are expected to put their entire life in the name of the cause, following the old tenets of the Sun Cult with an increased zeal,

2. While the Sun Cult of the Sun Elves turned inwards and protective after the death of Jaher. Jaddar turned the Jadd into a militaristic faith. Not content to let the fight against the Darkness turn into a stalemate, the Jadd has declared war upon the Malevolent Dark and actively seeks to continue the war on Halann, while Surael continues the war in the sky.

3. “My kin, the Sun Elves of Bulwar, have long claimed to the sole descendants of Surael. However, their claim is misguided and short-sighted. All races have the capability of being infused with the Light of Surael. No one is excluded if they banish the Darkness from their hearts, including you. So I give you your options. Take up the cause of Light, or be banished like the Darkness.” -Jaddar Jexiszuir, Commander of Jaddari, in a speech to a defeated Gnoll army, 1446 AA

The Jadd arose in the desert wastelands of eastern Bulwar, among the descendants of Jaher’s legions, who trekked across Bulwar and Haless to spread the Sun Elf’s empire and the Light of the Surael. These elves made an alliance with the harpies of the region. The subsequent mingling of these two groups saw a morphing of the ideas of the Sun Cult, as the harpies took well to the tenets of its faith. The result of this military culture and intermingling of species was the Jadd, a version of the Sun Cult that was much more militaristic and inclusive than its western cousins, aggressively so. While the Old and New Sun Cult had both become passive, the Jadd became expansionist and sought to spread the Light of Surael through any means.
