Anbennarzh Wiki

罗祆, 罗阇之地,是哈尔坎最古老的文明之一的家园。它是东洲最西端的领土,西与布勒瓦尔接壤,南与罗祆湾接壤,北与蛇脊山脉接壤,东与南东洲烟州接壤。



Rahen is  divided in 5 main regions:

Shamakhad, the Land of Ruins, a fertile plain between the two major tributaries of the Kharunyana river and founding place of the first iteration of the Raheni Raj.

Rakhadesh, the Land of Small Kingdoms, an arid and mountainous region west of the Marutha Desert.

Dhujat, the Land of the Elephants, a diverse region that transitions from drylands to the west to farmlands and jungles to the east, dominated by some of the biggest and wealthiest cities of Rahen.

Rahen Coast, a land dominated by the Ascension Jungle in the south, and home to ancient cities in the fertile lands along the Dhenbasana river.

Marutha, a sand desert in the middle of the subcontinent that borders the other four regions.


The longest and most important river in Rahen is the Kharunyana, which flows from the Serpentspine into the Gulf of Rahen and acts as the border between Rahen and the rest of Haless.

On the shores of the Kharunyana are located several of the largest cities of Rahen, such as Sramaya, Khiraspid and Sarisung.

No less important than the Kharunyana is the Dhenbasana, which flows through Inner Rahen from the Paravimvata range to the Gulf of Rahen. On his shores lies the city of Dhenijansar, the capital and heart of the Harimraj.


Rahen has very clear borders in most of his geography. To the west is separated from Bulwar by the Paravimvata range with the Davharral and Shekivad passes being the more popular land routes between the two lands. To the north is limited by the Serpentspine mountains, with only the Maruvad pass as a connection to the [Valley]. The eastern border is marked by the Kharunyana in the regions of Dhujat and the Rahen Coast, but in Shamakhad the eastern border advances to the slopes of the Demon Hills, and also includes the lands around the Yanhe until the city of Kamapura.


The races present in Rahen are:

Humans, natives to the region and the majority of the population in all regions with the exception of the Ascension Peninsula.

Dwarves, descendants from the former inhabitants of Jade Mines and Tree of Stone Holds, are found all across Rahen.

Harimari, rulers of Rahen through most of modern history, are the majority of the population on the Ascension Peninsula, but they can be found throughout all of Rahen.

Sunrise Elves, a minority descendant of the Sun Elves that settled Rahen when the region was under the control of the Phoenix Empire, they are found in the Porcelain cities.

Hobgoblins, who lived in the foothills of the serpentine for hundreds of years before The Command’s Invasion. They are mostly found in those lands in great numbers, but they can also be found in the Command lands in Shamakhad.

Cave Goblins and Brown Orcs, arrived with The Command’s Invasion of Rahen and they are found in Shamakhad.


High Philosophy, the most popular religion of Rahen, is centered around the replication of the life of the High Gods. The religion is divided in different schools of thought with different interpretations of how to replicate the life of the High Gods.

Suhan’s Praxis, an offshoot of the High Philosophy founded by Guru Suhan, they believe that true wisdom can be achieved by taking the moral teachings from all the schools while denouncing the social and political structures.

Godlost, the civil religion of the Hobgoblins, an areligious set of beliefs and practices that values discipline, family and country and a strict hierarchy.

Old Dookan, the religion of the Brown Orcs based around the belief that Dookan, the creator of the orc race, was betrayed and imprisoned by the Dwarven Gods.

Dwarven Ancestor Worship, a dwarven faith focused on the veneration of their ancestors.

Goblin Shamanism,the goblin polytheistic and shamanistic religion containing elements of ancestor worship and animism.
