西冕堡(Verkal Vazkron)[]
It's name in dwarven meaning "West Castle that Protects the Crown". Verkal Vazkron was much more than what is usually considered a castle. The entire hold served as a vast labyrinthian complex of massive fortifications, gates, and strong-points. At its height said to be capable of stopping any would-be attacker indefinitely. As its name implied, Verkal Vazkron was the primary defensive line of Amldihr and tasked with the safety of the hold from both internal and external threats.
祖先大厅(Hall of the Ancestors)[]
Built from one of the attached holds to Amldihr. It was here dwarves gathered to recite their ancient oral history and venerate their ancestors. Every recorded ancestor in existence was said to have been carved in stone and lined every available space of the walls in its halls. The most prestigious, notable, and influential ancestors, such as Dagrin Everbeard, had their massive statues in the center of the hold.
Where the High Assembly of Aul-Dwarov met and discussed political matters of state. But also as a hall for feasts and ceremonial gatherings. Its walls were lined with the flags of every hold in the Aul-Dwarov. In it's center was a huge table with a seat for every hold, with the massive seat reserved for the High King at the very end. Home to the elite Amldavhad Guard who served as peacekeepers for the assembly.