Anbennarzh Wiki
File:Alenic culture map.png

Modern branches of the Alenic people.

The Alenic people are a group of human cultures native to the Alenic Frontier and the Alenic Reach, generally regarded as a harsh and gruff people that imitate the bitter and wild lands they inhabited.


Tribes of humans dwelt in the Greatwoods along the lower reaches of the Alen River, known to ambush sailors upon the river. Castan's Empire would do its best to clear the lands surrounding the river of trees, salting the earth to prevent regrowth. Castanorian influence would spread upstream from the Alen's mouth with the foundation of the city of Vertesk.

In 470, the Dragonwake would drive many Alenics to flee westward. The Gawedi tribe seized the then-Damerian city of Vertesk, establishing the Gawedi Kingdom and launching an invasion of the Small Country, colonizing the Dragonhills and Gnomish Pass. Others fled into the Moors, assimilating with the local culture to wipe out the Moor Harpies to become the Moormen. Two of the Three Tribes pushed out of their lands by the Gawedi were Alenic and migrated further: the Wexonards invaded the Damerian Republic and settled in the Borders, while the Marrodic people turned eastward to Escann, believing the dragon threat in the east had passed.

List of Cultures[]

Western Cannor[]


  • Blue Reachman


  • Marrodic