Anbennarzh Wiki
Anbennarzh Wiki

Cannor (meaning Heartland in Old Castanorian) is a large, generally temperate continent. To its west it is bordered by the Uelos' Lament Ocean and its south borders the warm Divenhal Sea. On land, it borders Sarhal via the coastlands west of the Serpentreach. It is separated from Haless to the east by the Serpentspine Mountains, while its far north is so frozen as to be inaccessible.

Cannor is separated into three sub-continents; Western Cannor, Escann (Old Castanorian for Eastern Cannor), and Gerudia in the north.

The history of Cannor is vast, with events such as the Castanite Exodus, the Day of Ashen Skies, the Dragonwake, the Era of Black Ice, the War of the Sorcerer King, The Landing, the Lilac Wars, and, most recently, The Greentide having either occurred in or having had a great effect on the peoples and lands of Cannor.

The lands of Cannor produce a wide variety of goods, fullfilling the needs of their population. Nonetheless gems are rare and valued, and spices, sugar, and ivory are much sought after by Cannorian traders, needing to be imported from the east from Rahen or even far Haless.

The majority of people living in Cannor follow the Regent Court faith, but the Skaldhyrric Faith and Mountain Watchers are the dominant faiths in Gerudia, Great Dookan and Goblin Shamanism reign in Escann, but also small pockets of The Thought, Kobold Dragon Cult, Ancestor Worship, Elven Forebears, and even Xhazobkult exist in Western Cannor.

Most of the continent is populated by Humans, though in terms of sheer numbers it is impossible to gauge the Kobolds of the Dragon Coast, the Orcs and Goblins of Escann, the Gnolls of Daravan's Folly, or the Trolls of far north Gerudia. The Empire of Anbennar, the Kingdom of Gawed, and the Kingdom of Lorent occupy or influence the majority of the lands of Cannor between them, and within their lands can be found Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings, all of whom are accepted, but some to greater or lesser extents.
