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The Cannorian Tribes refer to the indigenous human peoples that lived in Cannor up until the Age of Ashes.

List of Tribes[]

Damesheadic Tribes[]

The Damesheader people refer to the largest subset of peoples, primarily residing along the confines of the Dameshead Sea, including the modern-day regions East Dameshead, Damescrown and Esmaria.

  • Damerid: a broad-term referring to the peoples living in East Dameshead that were not part of any other tribe below, unified by their worship of the harvest goddess The Dame. The Damerids would later be incorporated into the Castanorian Empire and later form the Damerian Republic.
  • Esmari: a peaceful and kind people living in modern-day Esmaria, named after their goddess Esmaryal
    • Ryalani: a sub-set of the Esmari people, named after their goddess Ryala, Esmaryal's daughter.
    • Havoric: a rugged mountain-dwelling people that once stretched from the Havoral Divide to the Godshield Mountains
  • Vernid: residing in the southern portion of the East Dameshead, long-time rival of the Damerids for much of their history
  • Proto-Exwesser: an ancient tribe of fisher-nomads later settling in Exwes. Said to have been exiles who decided of all things to stay on the sea after the The Onslaught.

Businorian Tribes[]

  • Businori: a mixture of Kheteratan colonists and native tribesmen, the Businori were the dominant people of the Businor region, but in general were often subjects of other countries, such as the Damerian Republic and Castanor.
  • Tefori: natives of the Isle of Tef and close cousins of the Businori
  • Milcori: northern loose cousins of the Businori, the Milcori inhabited the present-day The Borders. Their name means "Milk-skinned Men" in Old Castanorian, due to their appearance of having pale skin and dark hair. The Milcori were once known as Milcorissians in the Age of Antiquity, and had an ancient kingdom: Milcorissia.

Lencori Tribes[]

  • Rubenti: A lencori tribe that fled south from the modern-day Small Country due to the Gawedi Invasions of Lencenor, settling on the banks of the Bloodwine River.
    • Lorenti: Originally a smaller subset of the Rubenti tribe, the Lorenti would come to dominate Lencenor following the formation of the Lorentish Kingdom, whose founder and namesake Lorenan the Great would later name the Lorenti tribe and Lorent as a whole.
  • Sormanni: progenitors of modern-day Sorncóst, the Sormanni proved valuable allies against the Entebic peoples during the Lencori Warlord Era
    • Crovanni: an offshoot of the Sormanni founded by Crovan Spearsworn living in modern-day Crovania. Eventually became closer to and later absorbed by the Entebic
  • Entebic: the horse-riding pastoral people of the Lorentish Flats, they proved a thorn to the imperial powers of antiquity but were later won over by Lorenan the Great.
  • Carnetori: the original peoples living in West Dameshead, later conquered by the Damerids during the time of the Damerian Republic.
  • Tretunic: rivals of the Carnetori and main progenitor of the Pearlsedger people (which is a mix between Tretunic and Gerudian peoples)

Alenic Tribes[]

  • Adderic: Tribe from the northern Greatwoods, unified by Rygan of Adderwood and formed the kingdom of Adshaw.
  • Gawedi: the largest group of peoples, originating from the Greatwoods
  • Marrodic: one of the oldest tribes of the region, and one of the Three Tribes forced out of the region by the Gawedi.
  • Wexonard: another member of the Three Tribes, later settled in The Borders and formed the Wexonard Kingdom.
  • Agradosian: also known as Agroda, the first major enemy of the Castanites and the Early Castan's Empire - they were the original worshippers of Agrados and lived in the hilly forests near Cannwic to the east of Balmire

Escanni Tribes[]

  • Korbarid: the progenitors of the Corvurian peoples. Originally residing deep in the Deepwoods, the Korbarids conquered and maintained order in Dostanor during the Dragonwake and established their own kingdom there.
  • Foaric: a human tribe residing in modern-day Inner Castanor around the Nath River near modern-day Castonath and Nathwoud. The Foaric peoples were a friendly river civilization that were often in conflict with the nearby Adenican and Mereddic peoples, and allied with the recently arrived Castanites against them.
  • Mereddic: a human tribe residing in the vicinity of Lake Silvermere.
  • Kondunnic: an ancient human tribe living in the eastern reaches of Escann.
  • Cagodic: a tribe that emerged following the Second Great Cleansing, whose namesake was Cagod the Watcher, a Castanorian ranger who was given the lands to process centaurs fleeing and protect Serpent's Vale from their ilk.
  • Old Riverfolk: rivermen tribes who lived by the river Dostanesck.

Rohibonic Tribes[]

The Rohibonic people refer to the nomadic horse-tribes, who primarily resided in the grasslands of northern Cannor. The descendants of this ethnic group have lost their cultural unity, identifying more closely with their neighbors than each other.

  • Proto-Rohibonic peoples
  • Adeanic: in mythology, the Adeanic peoples were enslaved by the Centaur Tribes of Castanor. Ancestors of the medieval Adenner people.
  • Morbani: named after the mythical figure Morban Horsetamer, they were a nomadic horse-riding people living in the Alenic Expanse around modern-day Morban and is the third and final member of the Three Tribes. Originally from Escann as an offshoot of the Proto-Rohibonic peoples.
  • Crodamic: despite the name, they shared closer ties with the Morbani than the Damish peoples. The Crodamic peoples lived in the modern-day Golden Plains and were said to be those that did not settle to become the Arami. In more recent history during the Dragonwake they joined the Morbani in fleeing the Gawedi tribe.
  • Arami: the mythical peoples who actually followed Ara in life. Once nomadic like their predecessors, they settled in the Damescrown region alongside Ara herself, becoming the progenitors of the Crownsmen. While Alenic and Proto-Rohibonic in origin, the modern-day Crownsmen are more related to the Damesheadic peoples.

Gerudian Tribes[]

  • Taric: inhabitants of the Giants Tears prior to the Graytide.


Reavers were the Gerudian peoples who partook in the Era of Black Ice and raided and pillaged much of Cannor. The peoples here are the descendants of those who settled outside Gerudia in the lands of the other tribes.

  • Ebonian: named after Castan Ebonfrost, the Ebonians established themselves as the new rulers of the Late Castan's Empire during the Era of Black Ice. By the time of the War of the Sorcerer King, they had assimilated into Castanorian culture and were known as Black Castanorians.
  • Derannid: Named after the famous Reaver Derhilda Reaver-Queen, who later married into local Lencori nobility and integrated her people's in modern-day Deranne, forming the Derannid Kingdom.
  • Pearlman: mixture of Gerudian and Tretunic peoples.