Anbennarzh Wiki

Adventurer Ideas
May Recruit Female Generals
Land Maintenance Modifier -10%
Land Attrition -10%
Manpower Recovery Speed +10%
Call to Adventure
National Manpower Modifier +10%
Develop New Settlements
Development Cost -20%
Colonists +1
Against the Greentide
Monthly War Exhaustion -0.02
Culture Conversion Cost -20%
Fighting Spirit
Morale of Armies +10%
Legacy of Heroes
Land Leader Shock +1
The New Frontier
Global Settler Increase +33
People from All Walks of Life
Negative religious tolerance no longer gives any penalties. Heretic and Heathen provinces do not give us any penalty to religious unity

The Cobalt Company is a Gawedi adventurer band in Western Castanor led by Captain Gunther of Mossford. Captain Gunther got only recently elected to the position. This happened after the death of their old leader, Hector of Alenfield, who died at The Battle of Rottenstep.
