Anbennarzh Wiki

Sorncósti Ideas
Production Efficiency +10%
Ship Durability +5%
Trade Efficiency +15%
Protect Against the Horselords
Fort Defense +20%
Ancient Lencóri Ties
Yearly Prestige +1
Chance of a New Heir +25%
Divengate Merchant Navy
Naval Maintenance Modifier -10%
Ship Tradepower Propagation +10%
Sorncóst Vines
Goods Produced Modifier +10%
Land of Opportunity
Global Settler Increase +15
Through the Grapevine
Foreign Spy Detection +10%
Spy Network Construction +10%
Wine Merchants of the Divenhal
Trade Efficiency +10%

The ancient lords of Sorncóst share the blood of old Lencenor. It was the family that the ancient House of Lorentis formed a bond with allowed Lorenan to liberate its land. The Sorncósti have cornered the specific niche of catering to the cuisines of the Divenhal Sea. Sorncóst is famous for their vineyards filled to the brim with grapes and bountiful harvest. It's something about the soil.
