Anbennarzh Wiki
Anbennarzh Wiki

Golpalar I, cousin of Shurapalar I, was Raja of the second Harimraj from 1388-1398. A scholar uninterested in rule, his reign is often marked as the beginning of the ministries rise to power and the start of the second Harimraj's decline. Coming into the throne at the age of 41, Golpalar delegated an increasing number of his direct powers to ministers and viziers such as with the Edict of 1396 so that he may study astronomy, philosophy, and poetry in his time instead.


A brilliant patron of the arts and sciences, Golpalar was well known at court for his skills and continued to prove himself as a talented individual after his rise to the Lotus Throne. His standard of granting autonomy to the ministries would continue to his successors, one of the causes of the The Brother's War his two sons would fight after his death in 1398. He is accredited by many for starting the second Harimraj's decline.
