Following the Kheteratan King Intef III's coronation in 342 BA, he announced his desire to reconcile with Castanor as a fellow human nation. This saw the elite of Kheterata near-immediately begin plotting against him. Though it took until 335 BA, he was eventually overthrown in the Incident of 335 and the general Menkaunswt crowned as the new King of Kheterata, ushering in a new era of Kheteratan military aggression and the eventual War of Hegemony between Kheterata and Castanor.
Alongside Menkaunswt himself, the Incident of 335 was orchestrated by several other generals as well as the Gnomish Hierarchy's ambassador. The rise of the Second Dynasty founded by Menkaunswt would see the alliance between Kheterata and the Hierarchy reach an all-time high.