Ivrandir the Gardener was a Precursor Elf, who lived and died many centuries before the Day of Ashen Skies. He was renowned as a gardener beyond equal, who could grow specimens unlike those seen anywhere else on Halann. Some believe that the strange flora found in Aelantir, such as the Effelai, might theoretically trace its origins in some of his work (though this remains speculation, and indeed it is hard to imagine how it might ever be proven).
Though the names of many Precursors are lost to time and history, Ivrandir is remembered largely because of his descendants, who abandoned many of their own belongings to instead preserve their ancestor's artifacts as they fled onto the Remnant Fleet. These would become well-known talismans as the Elven Forebears faith developed amid the The Great Wander. They include his gardening robe, a garment of deep-green silk that allowed Ivrandir to tend his fields no matter the weather -- he would feel no heat, no cold, no rain, and breath naught but the purest air; his anchor-stone, enchanted such that the person holding it always knows the direction of Ivrandir's home (west of Cannor, though further details pend a decision being made on the Order of Chroniclers' request to borrow the relic for a year and day); and most notably a small wooden box of strange soils, unlike any found elsewhere in Halann.
The last such relic has been the subject of focus amidst recent speculation about the Árhetana, the idea that the ancient Precursor Empire spread across the stars. Some scholars have claimed these are not just soils of some pre-Ruin provenance, but they are in fact from other planets. Though most adherents of Elven Forebears, and indeed most present scholars, find such claims suspect at best and laughable at worst, it is impossible to prove a negative and as such this hypothesis cannot be discarded out of hand.