Anbennarzh Wiki

Vitsar-Vyledar Dafna Komerjon Joanseln yen Dolin, more simply known as King-Emperor Joanseln, was the first Emperor of the Ynnic Empire.

As King of Vareynn[]

He inherited the crown of the Kingdom of Vareynn from his brother Jeborad, and found himself ruling a realm that encompassed the majority of the known world - that is the Ynn River Valley and its many tributaries. Thus, unlike his brother who was a general and a conqueror, he saw enemies from within more often than from without.

A proud and stubborn man, he spent most of his rule cementing the power of the King while curtailing that of the Rider Assembly.

Apotheosis and Death[]

His quest for power culminated in 625 as he proclaimed himself absolute ruler, not just a King, but Emperor of the Ynn. He was assassinated a year later, sparking the First Ynnic Civil War, in which he would be ultimately vindicated by his daughter Zeldja.
