Anbennarzh Wiki

Ourdi Ideas
Fort Defense +15%
Culture Conversion +15%
Discipline +5%
Claim the East
Missionary Strength +1.5%
Battle of Burning Hill
Morale of Armies +5%
National Manpower Modifier +15%
Shock Damage +10%
A Light in Darkness
Stability Cost Modifier -15%
Autonomy Change Cooldown -10%
Self Sufficient
Production Efficiency +10%
The Overmarch Hussars
Cavalry Combat Ability +10%
Land Leader Maneuver +1
Lessons from the Balgarsmiths
Construction Cost -5%
Fort Maintenance -10%
The Cleansing Fire
Land Leader Fire +1
Land Fire Damage +10%

The Petty Kingdom of Ourdia was a human monarchy located in Ourdia. It was founded around the Castanorian citadel of Bal Ouord following the creation of Daravan's Folly.


Owing to the complex and rugged terrain of Ourdia, the Ourdi developed a faster, more agile and cheaper cavalry unit. This unit would later become known as the Overmarch Hussars.
