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"The Sornroy shall sing no soliloquy of sorrow seeing to a significant slump in status and significance. The various varieties of virtuous vineyards in this voracious valley of value shall never be vanquished so long as the vestiges of valorous veterans continue to act as vigilant vanguards of their venal society from virulent vermin of vice whom wear vivid visages of verisimilitude to vicariously violate the veneer of volition and veer their victims to vexation and vendetta as though by Vicissitude."
―A Through Theses upon the Tortuous Temperament of Tidewaters, Tributaries, and Suites of Supplementary Subsidiaries and other Subordinate Streams, written by the madman Jândhi Alvez of the Chronicler's Order

The Sornroy River is a major river in southern Lencenor which empties out into Sornsbay on the Southcoast. The Sornroy's headwaters lie in the hills of Aishill, where it gently flows through Fíoncavin and Sornaire before reaching the sea at the City of the Western Wine. The flat, fertile plains on the river's banks have proven to be perfect for vineyards, and they can be found covering almost every inch of its shores. It is for this reason that the corridor from Sornsbay to Fíoncavin along the river is known as the Sórncost Vines. Sornsbay and Sornaire, along with the nearby Sornhills, are also locations which get their name from the Sornroy river. The City of the Western Wine was built around the estuary of the Sornroy, where it empties into a small bay. The river not only alloys farmers to ship grapes quickly and easily to the city, but its status as a sheltered port makes it a perfect stop for Wineport or Dameshead ships heading for Westport, or even Aelantir. The Sornroy river valley is otherwise cut off from the rest of Lencenor, leading to the locals developing a distinct culture, different from the rest of the Wine Lords. In 1444, the domain in control of the Sornroy river and surrounding area is the duchy of Sórncost, ruled by the Sórncost Dynasty.
