Thílvis was a settler state of halflings in the Trollsbay.
Thílvis was founded a few years after the re-discovery of Aelantir. It was formed by the houses and nobility of Viswall that were tired of the oppression and division they faced back home (many however attribute this to their disgraced status from the Viswall Rebellion instead). Selling their possessions back home, they departed to Aelantir with the aim to found an independent halfling state. Shortly after the landfall in Aelantir, the foundations of the Great Tower of Vis were also created.
"Green Farming"[]
"Green Farming" was a term the Towerfoot halflings considered a more tasteful name for orcish slavery, a widely practiced tradition in Thílvis. It was popularized when many Thílvisan especially among the old Viswaller nobility didn't want to work on the fields anymore due to fears that "halflings would be seen as just simple farmers to be expended once again" and for the need for halflings to "focus on more productive trades".
Trollsbay Concord[]
Thílvis was one of the founding members of the Trollsbay Concord and participated in the War of the Coalition in the Trollsbay. Thílvis also became one of the most outspoken members of the "ever more harmonious Concord" policy as many in Thílvis saw Lorent's attempts at colonization and feared Thílvis would fall under oppression once again. Thílvis would eventually be absorbed into the Trollsbay Concord in the early 19th century with the Concord's transition into a full confederation.
Lowtower Uprising[]
By the 17th century, the autocratic tendencies of the Assembly had become increasingly unpopular, not only among the population but also some members of the Assembly itself who hoped to curb the influence of their rivals. This escalated into the Lowtower Uprising, during which three noble families challenged the authority of the rest of the Assembly.
Following months of unrest in the capital and a siege of the Tower by the insurgents (hence the origin of the name, since the lower tower was occupied for weeks), a compromise was eventually found, with reforms allowing any Thílvisan of sufficient status to get a seat in the Assembly. Although the founding noble families still had guaranteed seats, this meant Thílvis was no longer a true noble republic and had become significantly more democratic.
Splinter Republics[]
This compromise was not accepted by everyone however as many hoped for a governance more akin to those of neighboring Cestirmark or Valorpoint, leading many disillusioned halflings to create a country more suitable to their ideals deeper inland. Most coalesced around either a farmer by the name of Alvar Daxwell, founding the state of Daxwell near the Cliffs of Ruin, or Edmund Barrows, one of the original conspirators, carving the republic of Spoorland out of previously Cheshoshi-controlled territory.
While Thílvis would try to assert its influence over the newly-founded republics, support from the nearby Lorentish colony of Núr Ionnidar would ensure their independence. This would start an influence struggle between the two over Daxwell and Spoorland lasting about a century. By the 19th century however, they had been partitioned between the Towerfoot and Lorentish, with most of Spoorland being annexed into Núr Ionnidar and Daxwell being reduced to a rump state under firm Thílvisan control.
Age of New Building Blocks[]
With the establishment of the Ravelian religion, many in Thílvis especially among the Assembly of Thílvis admired the goals of bringing artificery to the common folk and quickly converted to it. This also coincided with Thílvis's "Age of New Building Blocks". Thílvis using their connections to the Gnomish Hierarchy from the roots of Viswaller nobility in the government as well the early adoption of the practices of artificery entered a small though significant period of early industrialization. It soon became one of the first industrialized states in Aelantir.