Anbennarzh Wiki

The Wexonards are an Alenic group of people from The Borders in the eastern part of The Empire of Anbennar.


The Wexonards originate from the Alenic Frontier but were forced out in 470 by the Gawedi fleeing the Dragonwake pushing the Wexonards and other Alenics to flee into other lands. In 471 the Wexonards went south towards Damescrown and when they were refused shelter for the winter they attacked and sacked the city. In 472 the Wexonards, fearing that the Gawedi were chasing them, invaded The Damerian Republic and eventually settled in the fortress of Bal Hyl in The Borders. After repelling a Gawedi attack the Wexonards decided to settle and found their own kingdom founding The Kingdom of the Wexonards taking some of Dameria's eastern territories.


Wexonards are fair-skinned people with hair ranging from brown to dirty blonde and eye colours usually range from grey, hazel and browns. Most women keep their hair braided at a medium-length whilst men usually have medium-length hair with thick, bushy beards. Doublets and leather jerkins are popular in court, with women tending to wear simple bodices and forgo the corset unlike their western neighbours.

They are built similarly to their Gawedi cousins, being stocky but usually taller in comparison. They do not scorn jewellery or the finer things unlike their cousins however, probably due to the Anbennarian environment they are in; in fact, Wexonard armorers and their style of gilding and design are immensely popular across Cannor, for those who want a bit of flair to their armor, but not too much like the elven-styles of Anbennar/Lorent.


The Wexonard people migrated down to Anbennar some 1000 years ago but due to their inward nature have kept their people and culture all this time. Though they despise the current rulers of the Alen: the Gawedi, who pushed them from their ancestral homeland long ago, they still prefer them to the sometimes pompous nature of Anbennarians. Wexonards due to their martial tendencies seem to value fencing as The Wexonard School of Fencing is an extremely prominent swordsman school with influence through Anbennar.
